
Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Recent Suspicious Observers Videos You Should Watch

 As you may know, Ben Davidson of Suspicious Observers in many ways helped pioneer research into connecting solar activity and earthquakes via mutual interactions with Earth's magnetic field in attempting to predict earthquakes. His research and studies have taken him further afield into examining past magnetic field excursions (that is, times that the magnetic field reversed) and its connection to disasters. 

    He has noticed that there is an approximately 12,000 year cycle of excursions which he connects with recurrent micro-nova/super-flare events on the Sun with globally disastrous consequences. (He has also noted half-cycle events). The last such event was 12,000 years ago, corresponding to the onset of the Younger Dryas. There is mounting evidence that an impactor may have caused the Younger Dryas, but Davidson believes the impacter, and perhaps much more, was linked to a massive Solar eruption rather than just a chance wanderer that collided with the Earth.

    If Davidson is correct, we may see within our lifetimes a similar disaster. But it is not just a magnetic field reversal. Based on evidence of rapid freezing from the Younger Dryas event, among many other things, Davidson believes that the Earth will actually shift 90 degrees. Thus, for instance, Peru and South East Asia will become the new physical poles of the Earth. 

    After watching his videos over the last few years and reading his book on the Disaster Cycle, I see many similarities between the disasters that he predicts and their effects, and the disasters and Earth changes described in Revelation. Thus, I'm fairly open minded about this theories. (And, yes, I believe that he has enough evidence to push it past hypothesis to theory).

    The following videos go into what areas would be inundated by tsunami and other factors that you might want to consider in preparing for such an event.

VIDEO: "A Disaster Is Coming" (13 min.)

VIDEO: "You Don't Know Nova" (17 min.)

VIDEO: "6000 Year Disaster Cycle" (5 min.)

VIDEO: "Earth Tilt | Ice Worlds" (5 min.)