
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Expect Rioting in Louisville, Kentucky

The AP reports that "1 officer indicted in Breonna Taylor case; not for her death." The BLM crowd was not happy:

    Immediately after the announcement, people were expressing frustration that the grand jury did not do more.

    “Justice has NOT been served,” tweeted Linda Sarsour of Until Freedom, a group that has pushed for charges in the case. “Rise UP. All across this country. Everywhere. Rise up for #BreonnaTaylor.”

    Attorney Ben Crump, who is representing Taylor’s family, tweeted that the charges involved “NOTHING for the murder of Breonna Taylor. This is outrageous and offensive!”

The officer that was indicted, former detective Brett Hankison, was charged with three counts of wanton endangerment (a Class D felony which carries a penalty of up to five years in prison) but the charges relate to Hankinson shooting into the neighboring apartments during the incident, not Taylor's death. Because of that, the Leftist talking point is "No Cops Charged With Murder In The Killing Of Breonna Taylor."

    Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer instituted a 72-hour curfew beginning Wednesday at 9 pm, and the police restricted access to downtown Louisville beginning on Tuesday. The Kentucky National Guard was activated on Wednesday afternoon

    ABC reports:

    Chanelle Helm, an organizer of Black Lives Matter Louisville, said, "We shouldn't be too surprised at what's happening."

    "What is frustrating is that white supremacy, this government and its elected officials continue to deny us healing and any taste of what real justice looks like. Justice in this country is nonexistent," Helm said in a statement. "This country hasn't changed. This country hasn't come to the realization that fascism was its only goal. We move every day for capitalism and not for humanity. Instead of bringing in paths for healing, we keep bringing in more law enforcement, more military and more representations of the systems we desperately need to dismantle."

In a statement from Black Lives Matter, it states, in part:

We are completely disgusted and outraged by the indescribable decision that has been rendered in the murder of our beloved, Breonna Taylor. Here we are, yet again, a Black life that has been dehumanized at the hands of the police in cold-blooded murder; has no value in a criminal legal system that is supposed to protect it. We send our love and condolences to Breonna’s family who has to endure the painful reality that they may never receive justice because of the brutally racist system all Black people are subjected to.

 The protests have already begun.

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