
Monday, November 11, 2019

November 11, 2019--A Quick Run Around the Web

If you're using a good reverse osmosis (RO) system or a hearty de-ionization setup, the water coming out may be so clean that it can actually eat away at metal piping and containers. I've seen this on an industrial scale and it is possible on smaller sets; copper contamination in lab-grade pure water that was traced to a repair made with copper piping on a RO system.
      First of all, those with marginal skills too often quickly form a reliance on the laser dot to sight the gun. That gets them by on a square range where they have zero adrenaline flowing and an abundance of time. However, put a little pressure on them – even on a square range – and that lack of fundamental skills can delay getting the laser dot on the target.
         Instead of presenting the gun and shooting, these people tend to suspend everything to wave the gun around looking for that magic dot downrange. Countless times, I’ve watched ladies and gentlemen with laser sights spend precious seconds looking for the bright dot instead of presenting and shooting.
           Even worse, sometimes they aren’t ready with the laser turned “on.”  They don’t want dead batteries, you know. Then we wait while they remember the switch’s location and turn it on before repeating the process once again.
        But laser sights can be very helpful, particularly with the very small pocket autoloaders that have only vestigial sights. They can turn a handgun that has only marginal accuracy at a few yards because of poor sights into something usable at normal pistol ranges.
              He detailed the horrific shooting, starting with the 'bunch of bullets' which descended on his family's car. 
                'They just started hitting the car first, bunch of bullets just started shooting rapidly at us,' he said.
                  He said he believes the cartel members deliberately shot out the car's engine to stop them from being able to escape. His mother, he said, frantically tried to restart the vehicle. 
                    'The car didn't work so, she was trying to start to car but I'm pretty sure they shot something so the car wouldn't even start to get down right now, she was trying to pray to the Lord and start the car up to get out of there,' he said.  
                      Once the men had gone, he walked 'a little while' carrying his youngest brother, nine-month-old baby Brixton, but had to put him down. 
                        'I walked a little while until I couldn't carry him no more so we put him in a bush. 
                         'Every one of them were bleeding really bad. I was trying in a rush to get there,' he said.

                    "CAESARISM: The Decline of the West"--Black Pigeon Speaks (14 min.)
                    BP seems to think that we are headed into the age of Caesarism, but I've considered whether we have already entered the period. I think that there is a good argument that FDR was the first American Caesar.
                      In truth, many of the rich kids at elite colleges love American values, too. But they know that loving the Constitution and its first two amendments marks one as working-class or low-status, and that being against those things codes as educated. So they rail against those values to distinguish themselves from one crowd and fit into another.
                        As district attorney, Boudin plans to decriminalize crime and close down jails. He believes the criminal justice system is racist, and he plans to cut back on the time criminals serve under parole supervision, which he thinks is also racist. Boudin also wants to stop prosecuting gang members to the full extent of the law because he thinks that's racist, too. He thinks everything is racist.
                        • Speaking of anti-American radicals: "The Radicalizing of Eric Ciaramella"--The American Spectator. Ciaramella, as you probably know, is the alleged "whistleblower" that worked with Rep. Schiff to complain of Pres. Trump's call to the Ukraine. Ciaramella was already radicalized before he started attending Yale because his first year there, in 2005, he organized student protests to stop the University from terminating an associate professor of Arab studies, Bassam Frangieh, who went on to write poetry supporting terrorists and terrorism. Strangely, he quickly joined and rose in the ranks within the Obama Administration, a career CIA analyst and Ukraine director on the National Security Council. He ended up being a holdover from the Obama Administration and was only fired after it was learned that he was leaking information to media.
                        • "HUGE! Schiff Witness Vindman Testified that He 'Thought' President’s 'Policy Was Wrong So He Advised Ukrainians to Ignore the President"--Gateway Pundit. Just who the hell does he think he is?
                        • Related: "Praetorianism and the ‘Deep State’"--American Greatness. An excerpt:
                          The fact is that the deep state is praetorianism on steroids. It is based on the claim that unelected bureaucrats have a duty to undermine the policy of a duly elected president, simply because they disagree with it. Vindman is a perfect example of this mindset. He complained that “he was deeply troubled by what he interpreted as an attempt by the president to subvert U.S. foreign policy . . . .” Read that again. The problem here is that Article II of the Constitution gives the president sweeping powers to conduct foreign affairs and negotiate with leaders of other nations. It does not grant any such power to unelected bureaucrats to act in ways that demonstrate they approve or disapprove of foreign policy—even when they are “deeply troubled” by it.


                          1. Good batch of links. I did one on "American Caesar" some time back. I still think it's a possibility.

                            There. Now I feel better.

                            1. What's the link to your American Caesar article?
