
Friday, October 4, 2019

A ding-bat ate my baby!

The Left is riding the crazy train, and it has gone off the rails. A couple reports today (Zerohedge, The Daily Wire) of an incident at a "town hall" event hosted by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC). A woman in the audience became upset and proclaimed that we need to start eating babies to stop global warming:
      “I love that you support the Green Deal, but it’s not getting rid of fossil fuel, it’s not going to solve the problem fast enough,” the woman continued. “A Swedish professor [said] we can eat dead people but that’s not fast enough. So I think your next campaign slogan has to be this: ‘We got to start eating babies! We don’t have enough time! There is too much CO2.”

      “All of you … you are a pollutant, too much CO2, we have to start now, please, you are so great, I’m so happy that you really are supporting New Green Deal, but it’s  not enough, you know, even if we would bomb Russia, we still have too many people,” the woman continued. “Too much pollution, so we have to get rid of the babies! That’s a big problem. We need to eat the babies!”
AOC, bless her heart, responded that "Luckily we have more than a few months. We need to hit net zero in several years." I'm sure that the woman in the audience was trolling AOC, but it should be noted that AOC didn't say that eating babies was evil or wrong.

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