
Friday, September 13, 2019

Did The 9/11 Hijackers Have Access to Information About Passengers?

Anonymous Conservative links to an article about Daniel Mark Lewin, a former Captain in the Israeli army’s elite commando unit, Sayeret Mat’kal, tech genius and millionaire, only 31 years old in 2001, and who also happened to be a passenger on Flight 11--one of the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center on 9/11. But, strangely, this man--probably the most likely to be able to thwart terrorists armed only with pepper spray and box cutters--was the first one killed when his throat was slashed by a terrorist sitting directly behind him according to a radio message from a flight attendant. Anonymous Conservative writes:
He was trained in airplane hijacking scenarios and airport security breaches, spoke conversational Arabic, and was an expert in hand to hand combat and improvised weapons. Of all the passengers, he was possibly the most likely to have been able to have thwarted the first plane’s hijacking. Strangely, there was a terrorist who had perfectly booked the seat behind him in his blind spot, and slit his throat immediately when the hijacking began, while he was probably distracted by Atta and his accomplice, who had booked the seats in front of him. Again, it can be coincidence, but it also makes me wonder if the hijackers had much more detailed intelligence on the passenger manifests and the seating charts, and just who those people on the manifest were and the potential threats they posed to the operation, as they prepared their attack. And you know where they would have gotten that from. 

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