
Sunday, November 18, 2018

November 18, 2018 -- A Quick Run Around the Web

  • "Dem Rep. Eric Swalwell: If We Confiscate Your Guns And You Fight Back, We Will Nuke You"--Hot Air. The headline is a little bit of an exaggeration. Swalwell was talking about putting down a civil war. But it raises two important points: (1) first, and foremost, is that the left has so "othered" gun owners that Swalwell has no compunction against suggesting that nuclear weapons could be used against them (and his probably thinking red America in general); and (2) a reminder that any civil insurrection will have the full weight of government against it. I wouldn't count on the Army or law enforcement doing what is right--they still need a paycheck. 
        Swalwell proposes that the government should offer up to $1,000 for every weapon covered by a new ban, estimating that it would take $15 billion to buy back roughly 15 million weapons — and “criminally prosecute any who choose to defy [the buyback] by keeping their weapons.”
            In the past, Democrats and gun safety groups have carefully resisted proposals that could be interpreted as “gun confiscation,” a concept gun rights groups have often invoked as part of a slippery slope argument against more modest proposals like universal background checks.
             Swalwell addressed these arguments directly, saying he and other Democrats had been too deferential to Second Amendment activists and should follow the lead of teenage survivors of the Parkland shooting who have been more strident.
                In 1904 Dr. Helmut Klever invented Ballistol which after testing was adopted by the Imperial German Army and stayed the primary CLP (cleaner, lubricant, protector) through 1945. Without intending to the inventor had created a truly amazing product, something that has in my house at least replaced even WD40 for common use.
                  It is non-carcinogenic, skin safe and biodegradable without harmful byproducts. After testing I found that even when the initial “wet” of it had disappeared it left a safe coating that remained slick and allowed proper function.
                  More amazingly it can be cut with water, meaning you do not need to locate or have special cleansers to clean it off or cut it for expanded use. (Most other lubricants cannot be cut down from their original mix without losing efficacy)
                     Ballistol can be applied straight to firearms for best coverage, cut with 10% water for leather, 20% for wood and door hinges as well as preventing screws from rusting and much more. Other applications are knives, kitchen, hunting, and tactical knives all can be easily cleaned and lubricated with Ballistol either straight or cut with 10% water.
                       If you use it on wooden camp chairs it will help repel insects, without being potentially harmful to you! I have used it on my fishing rods, bicycle chains (and now carry it in all my bike kits as well) and pretty much anything that requires lubrication.
                           The person who’s used to shooting an autoloading pistol and feeling for that reset often has trouble with the very different revolver trigger. This is because most revolvers have what I’ve come to call “phantom reset points”: points in the trigger return stroke where the shooter feels telltale clicks that serve as a cue to pull the trigger again.
                            The trouble is that the revolver trigger isn’t yet reset, and pulling the trigger again on cue either does nothing — or, in the worst case, actually locks the trigger’s movement!
                              Where these reset points are depends on the make of the revolver and, sometimes, even the specific model. In general, though, Ruger revolvers have the most distinctive false resets; they’re also the ones that consistently lock the trigger when the shooter tries to fire another round after encountering the false reset. (Fixing that lock-up is a simple matter of relaxing the trigger finger and allowing the trigger to fully reset before trying to fire another shot.)
                                On any revolver, the only reliable reset point is at the forward-most point of trigger travel. Occasionally you may find an individual gun which resets just short of that, but in general the only real reset is when the trigger has stopped moving — and it’s the only proper way to train your trigger finger.
                        • "How to Protect Your Survival Homestead"--Survival Sullivan. "The first step in developing a perimeter defense plan is not doing a little math to figure out how much fencing must be purchased. Nope, first you need to clearly outline what you must defend."

                          "Fake Science News | Two Recent Stories"--Suspicious Observers (3 min.)
                          Comments regarding the news stories suggesting that we might soon be exposed to a dark matter hurricane, and the retraction of a climate science paper that had supposedly found that the oceans were storing far more heat than previously thought--turned out that their math was wrong.
                                    Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum said Thursday that caravan migrants arriving by the hundreds are no longer welcome, an increasingly common sentiment among residents of the Mexican border city.
                                      Gastelum described the caravan of Central American migrants as a “horde” that has been infiltrated by criminals who now threaten the community, in an interview with Milenio Television.
                                       “Tijuana is a city of immigrants, but we don’t want them in this way,” the mayor, a member of the conservative National Action Party, said. “It was different with the Haitians, they carried papers, they were in order. It wasn’t a horde, pardon the expression.”
                                         Gastelum called on the Mexican government to deport the caravan migrants as soon as possible.
                                           “You’re going to tell me we have to respect human rights,” he said. “But human rights are for law-abiding humans.”
                                    • "True Colors"--Chicago Boyz. I think the author is absolutely correct about this:
                                    A comment on another blog, a couple of days ago where the ghastly new fires in Northern California were being discussed – suggested a new thought to me, regarding the rulers and the ruled. The Ruling Class, as the commenter posited, was all about the environment, preserving the forests and the wilderness, and those darling wild creatures … but when all that effort put into maintaining a pristine wildlife environment turns around and kills people actually living on the edge of those areas … well, just too bad. A shocking thought, at first – but after a moment, I had to agree. Not only do the ruling class despise us … but they don’t much care if we live or die. Preferably die, as long as we don’t make too much fuss about it.
                                    Worse than indifference, though – sour malignant intent is what the commenter suggested. Various instruments of death are being scattered willy-nilly among us, just because. Send hundreds, thousands of illegal immigrants to live among us? Flout the laws regarding identity theft, drunk driving, possession of illegal firearms … come over the border afflicted with exotic diseases that no one in this country has seen in decades? No problem, for the ruling class.  
                                    Read the whole thing. It ties into what I have noted many times before concerning the elite: that, to them, regular people are fungible. And remember, the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference.
                                             The column or caravan of Central Americans slowly moving north through Mexico with the intention of crossing into the U.S. is a classic Fourth Generation war invasion.  An invasion by immigrants is more, not less, dangerous than an invasion by a hostile army because the army eventually goes home while immigrants stay, permanently altering the cultural landscape.  In this case, they would not alter it for the better.
                                             If this country is to survive in a 4GW world, we recognize that this invasion threat is just the flea sitting on the top of the penguin sitting on top of the iceberg.  If this invasion is successful, the next caravan will be larger.  The one after that will be larger still.  A combination of state failure, economic ruin, climate change, and population pressures means millions, tens of millions, ultimately hundreds of millions of people around the world will be trying to move from south to north.  If we don’t stop them, our societies, those north of the equator, will be turned into their societies, which is to say the places they are fleeing because they don’t work.  That may not be their intention (in the case of Islamics, it is their intention), but it will be the result because it is all they know.  Their numbers will be such that they cannot be acculturated by their new societies before those societies are engulfed, overwhelmed, and snuffed out.  
                                    He believes that one method of stopping the horde is to not allow them inside our borders--not even one inch--without a visa. Of course, they might to try and force the border. He recommends against the killing of the invaders by direct action because of the negative optics: "At the moral level, having border guards shoot down women and children is a disaster." Autonomous weapons are better, he believes, because it would appear that it was the invaders' fault that they walked into a known danger zone. I suspect that the military will turn to sonic and microwave weapons developed for crowd control.
                                    • The left eating itself: "A Cold Winter For White Women"--American Thinker. The author discusses how the left is now turning on white women because they haven't been sufficiently loyal to leftist candidates and causes. An excerpt:
                                    Not only is this racist rhetoric dangerous for society, it is poison to our youth. Young white people today are exposed almost exclusively to angry black artists and Hollywood stars who encourage them to hate themselves for their whiteness, demoralizing and denigrating them for their skin color and culture. But hating oneself for his race is not a virtue. Telling young white people to “check” their white privilege or to hate themselves for their culture isn't just insanity, it's racist. What began as a feminist progressive movement united exclusively against white males has now openly set its sights on white women.
                                            In December 2014, Hydro-Quebec, Canada’s largest electric power utility, was hit with a crippling blackout at the start of winter. Traffic lights went dark, and more than 188,000 customers lost power, including Montreal’s McGill University Health Center.
                                             The utility was forced to scramble to avoid a systemwide outage. Power exports to the Northeast United States were cut. Industrial users were asked to slash production, and the provincially owned utility was required to buy emergency power from neighboring utilities. Cost to the utility was estimated at $22 million.
                                              Unlike most such incidents, however, the blackout was not weather-related or an act of God. As a Quebec court has heard, the power failure resulted from an act of sabotage by Normand Dubé, a 56-year-old pilot and inventor with a grudge against the utility, who used a small aircraft to hobble two massive power lines. Dubé was found guilty of three charges of criminal mischief in September.
                                          Testimony concerning how he did it was sealed, but "Judge Paul Chevalier quoted an expert witness from Canada’s National Research Council as saying the technique had been used during conflicts in Iraq, Kosovo and Serbia and was 'easily accessible on the Internet.'" This suggests to me that he probably dropped aluminum chaff on the power lines.

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