
Monday, July 2, 2018

Diversity Is Not Our Strength: Stabbing Spree in Boise, Idaho

       Most of you have probably seen some news about a stabbing spree in Boise, Idaho. It certainly has garnered attention here, in Boise, because the area has such a low violent crime rate.

       The suspect, pictured to the right, Timmy Kinner, recently of Los Angeles, California. Kinner has a prior criminal history:

"In 2008, Kinner was indicted in Tennessee for illegal possession of a semi-automatic handgun and distributing 12 grams or more marijuana, according to court records. In that case, he pleaded guilty to the weapons charge and was sentenced to three years and 10 months in prison and 500 hours of drug rehabilitation. 
"In that case, a judge revoked his supervised release multiple times because he committed new crimes. In 2015, while on supervision, he allegedly obstructed a highway, possessed Xanax and marijuana with the intent to sell it, illegally possessed a firearm, and was charged with theft. 
"He also served time in a Kentucky prison, according to Bones. In April, the St. George, Utah, Police Department arrested Kinner for theft. He had never been arrested in Idaho."
        Contrary to some news reports, the stabbing did not occur at a refugee resettlement center. Rather, the incident occurred at an apartment complex that was HUD subsidized and intended for low-income renters. There are probably lots of refugees living there, and the targets of the attacks were refugees, however.

       According to the most recent reports, Kinner had been staying with a resident at the apartment complex, but asked to leave the day prior to the incident. The stabbing attack is believed to have been in revenge for his eviction. In any event, he attacked a children's birthday party, stabbing a total of 9 people, 6 of whom were children. So far, none have died of their injuries.

     Unfortunately for Kinner, be picked a poor place to try and evade from police. The apartment complex is about half a block south of a decently sized concrete lined irrigation canal that blocked easy access to the major road, State Street, that was to the north. Several blocks to the south of the apartment complex runs the Boise River. East/west travel is not very easy except for the aforementioned State Street.

     Fortunately for Kinner, but unfortunately for the taxpayers, he must have given up without a struggle: Boise police are known for their ready use of firearms and high round count.

      I think the main lesson to take away from this is that an attack can happen anywhere, even at a child's birthday party.

1 comment:

  1. Whenever I hear “Diversity is our strength,” why do I always think of the Ministry of Truth sloagans “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” from Orwell’s 1984.
