
Thursday, May 31, 2018

May 31, 2018 -- A Quick Run Around the Web

"IMI's Mk 262 Clone 77gr OTM gel test"--TFB Channel (5 min.)
The tester, Andrew of Chopping Block fame, used a 10.5-inch barrel AR, and got great penetration and expansion results. If you have a barrel twist rate that will handle it, these heavier open tip match (OTM) bullets seem to have good terminal ballistics. Andrew indicates that this is the best overall terminal performance he has seen of the heavy OTM bullets. I like the fact that Andrew is using a short barrel to test, as it will mimic shooting at a distance. Looking at one source, it appears that for a 77 grain bullet, you are loosing about 400 fps between a 20-inch barrel and a 10 to 11-inch barrel, which loss of velocity matches what you would see between 150 and 200 yards from a 20-inch barrel. 

        It was an otherwise pleasant evening in Maine when two dozen Somali youth swarmed and attacked two local residents in Kennedy Park last Thursday evening.
             The Somali mob attacked around 7:45 pm, just as the sun was setting on this historic city park in the heart of Maine’s second largest city.
              A local mother recorded as a mob of teens and children, boys and girls as young as nine years old, brandishing wooden bats and other objects, along with fists, feet and sheer numbers to attack the two non-Somali defenders. At one point you can even here one of the hoodlums repeatedly daring the woman to, “stop me, b**ch.”
        This is not the first incident of this type, and, allegedly, officers responding to the scene told parents to simply stop bringing their kids to the park. This was denied by a police spokesman. The article continues:
                 While repeatedly stressing this is not just an issue with the Somali community in Lewiston, the Mayor does put at least a portion of the blame on the influx of immigration to the city over the past couple decades.
                   “While what we are seeing in our inner city right now is partially an issue of 20 years of terrible immigration policy, these issues were happening in Kennedy Park before the new Mainers arrived,” Mayor Bouchard said. “Reversing that long of a span of poorly done immigration is going to take time.”
                      On any given day, dozens if not hundreds of Somali youth can be found occupying Kennedy Park and the violence is nothing new. Local residents bearing the brunt of these violent mobs are growing frustrated. Maine First Media was told it took police at least 7-8 minutes to arrive on the scene — despite the police station being right across the street from the park.
                Police have also told local residents that there is not much the police can do because most of the perpetrators are minors. 
                • Some articles on tattooing and facial recognition: 
                • "Tattoo Recognition"--part of a series called "Street Level Surveillance" at the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
                • "UV ink tattoos: Good or no good?"--Tattoo Do. I find the idea of invisible tattoos interesting. As facial recognition is more widely used, I would see people being willing to accept an "invisible" tattoo to speed recognition as part of a program similar to the TSA's Pre-Check.
                  Identity politics has engulfed the humanities and social sciences on American campuses; now it is taking over the hard sciences. The STEM fields—science, technology, engineering, and math—are under attack for being insufficiently “diverse.” The pressure to increase the representation of females, blacks, and Hispanics comes from the federal government, university administrators, and scientific societies themselves. That pressure is changing how science is taught and how scientific qualifications are evaluated. The results will be disastrous for scientific innovation and for American competitiveness. (underline added).
                    I think that was the whole intent. Anyway, read the whole thing.
                              Beginning around November 10, [2003] the USS Princeton, a Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser, made multiple radar contacts with what the report calls an Anomalous Aerial Vehicle (AAV).
                                 The senior chief fire controlman on the Princeton, which was equipped with ultra-advanced AN/SPY-1 multifunctional phased-array radar, reported that the AAV appeared from above 60,000 feet – the radar’s scan ceiling – and descended ‘very rapidly’ to about 50 feet above the surface of the ocean.
                                  They would hover for a short time and then depart at high velocities and turn rates demonstrating advanced capabilities, the senior chief said.
                                    The senior chief, who had 17 years of experience in fire control on cruisers, said he never obtained an accurate track on the AAV, because they exhibited speed consistent with a ballistic missile, but the radar was set to air intercept mode rather than ballistic missile tracking mode.
                                      Then on November 14, the Princeton again detected an AAV around 11am and called it in two F/A-18 Hornets that happened to be returning to the USS Nimitz from a training exercise.
                                         An E-2C Hawkeye surveillance plane was also operating in the area and attempted a radar contact on the AAV, but made only intermittent contact as was unable to gain a track.

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