
Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Future of Europe in One Picture

       The source of this photograph is a Breitbart article entitled "Report: Population Explosion in Africa Will Fuel Ongoing Migrant Crisis." The article reports on a Austrian military report published in the Austrian Military Magazine (OeMZ), on its analyses the South Saharan-Zone in Africa (SAHEL). According to the report:
... the SAHEL region has a population of around 540 million people under the age of 18, and also has the highest birthrates in the world with countries like Niger having an average rate of 7.6 children per woman.  By 2050, statisticians expect that Africa will have over 1 billion people under the age of 18, while Europe will have a mere 130 million.
The author of the report concluded that the massive population growth will lead to “failed states." The implication for immigration to Europe is obvious.

       Surprisingly, given the PC culture of Europe, the author of the report "also slammed the European Union’s subsidies for agricultural exports to Africa saying that they reduce the price of goods and gut local farming communities which drive more and more people into massive sprawling cities."

       Are there any solutions to this pending problem? Sure there is, but nothing that would be palatable to the European public or the greater world community.

       Rather, Western Europeans should prepare for the fact that they will be replaced, possibly within their life time. At first, the result of the influx will be growing levels of crime that will increasingly target native Europeans and an increased drain on the public fisc due to greater demands on the welfare systems--just as has already started to happen. Preppers will want to consult FerFal's book "The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse" for tips on preparation and, especially, tips on dealing with the increased crime rate and the inevitable decline in living standards as economies stagnate and collapse.

      At some point, if the trend is not reversed, the population of migrants will reach a tipping point where they will gain control of governments, and we will see government sanctioned violence and dispossession of property as happened in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, and as is being discussed in South Africa even now. Eventually, it may even move to the point where the migrant populations will seek to enslave the native Europeans (the migrants are, after all, from slave cultures--that is, cultures that currently tolerate or countenance slavery) or eradicate the native Europeans. If the native Europeans haven't fled to other countries by that time, it may be too late. By that point, any attempts to reverse the situation will require a civil war.

Update: "Immigrant voters in German federal election could prove influential"--Deutsche Welle. The article notes that "Voters with a migrant background tend to prefer 'parties from the political left,' according to political scientist Andreas Wüst."


  1. "At some point, if the trend is not reversed, the population of migrants will reach a tipping point where they will gain control of governments..."

    And, we know how well Africans, no matter where they currently reside, govern - corruption, incompetence, and dysfunction are the characteristics of government by Africans.

    If this African plague is allowed to continue, I will go to my grave with the sure knowledge that Africans are unable to maintain the first-world technology we take for granted and they ultimately depend on, via the largess of the West, for survival. I doubt the Chinese will be so tolerant of African dysfunction. Africans will experience epidemics of easily prevented diseases and mass starvation.

    1. I see the Chinese as heading up second wave colonialism in Africa, so Africa may be spared to a certain extent. Technically, the local or national government of a particular African nation will be in charge, but because a Chinese entity owns the port, oil pipeline, cropland, rail line, the Chinese will actually be in control of the particular infrastructure. However, you are right: the Chinese will not be as charitable of masters as Westerners were. What will be interesting, however, will be seeing how the Chinese military performs in the bush wars they will inevitably be dragged into.
