
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Rioting in Toulouse

The Daily Mail reports riots in Toulouse after an enviro-wacko was killed in an earlier protest. From the story:
Riots have broken out in southern France over the death of a young activist killed by a police grenade. 
At least 16 people were arrested in Toulouse as rubbish bins were torched and bus shelters smashed during a demonstration in the French city. 
The riots unfolded on the margins of an otherwise peaceful march where protesters carried placards reading 'End to the licence to kill'.

... It was the latest clash in a series of demonstrations which have embarrassed the Socialist government.
The chaotic scenes came just weeks after Remi Fraisse, 21, was killed by a so-called 'offensive grenade' during a standoff between police and opponents of a dam project in wetlands near Toulouse.

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