
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Islamic "Trojan Horse" Plot to Subvert UK Schools

Headteachers are warning that schools across Britain have been targeted in an alleged Islamist plot to take over classrooms.

The National Association of Head Teachers said it had ‘serious concerns’ about attempts to ‘alter the character’ of at least six schools.

It also warned that efforts to infiltrate classrooms were not limited to Birmingham and were likely to be affecting other major towns and cities.
The union said ‘concerted efforts’ had been made to infiltrate state schools and run them according to strict Islamic principles. 
While the body did not name the additional areas affected, there are concerns over schools in Bradford, Manchester and parts of East London, according to the Daily Telegraph.

Russell Hobby, NAHT general secretary, said some teachers were being appointed because of their Muslim faith rather than their skills.

There was also evidence of ‘pressure’ being brought to bear on heads to adopt ‘certain philosophies and approaches’.

Speaking ahead of the union’s annual conference in Birmingham, he said: ‘We ourselves have concerns about what has been going on in and around half a dozen of those schools.
‘There have been things going on inside our schools which would make some of us feel uncomfortable.’
Meanwhile, it has been claimed that dozens of teachers pushed out of schools by an alleged Islamist takeover plot are too afraid to speak out because of gagging orders.
Birmingham MP Khalid Mahmood said at least ten teachers told him they were made to sign agreements offering cash in return for their silence.
The latest allegation of the so-called ‘Trojan Horse’ plot – whereby Muslim extremists infiltrate state schools and run them according to Islamic principles – was made last night as Ofsted announced inspections at a further three schools, bringing the total to 21. 
Birmingham City Council is also investigating 25 schools.

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