
Saturday, May 10, 2014

"Attacked on a Bicycle"

Active Response Training has an article about carrying a weapon and defending yourself against attack when commuting on a bicycle. It was of some small comfort that the author, Greg Ellifritz, came to the same conclusion that I did when riding--the best (least bad?) way to carry was in a fanny pack, with the pack turned so its behind you. I tried other carry methods--even in a pannier. Carrying in a pannier is a mistake, I quickly learned, because (a) it wasn't easy to access and, more importantly (b) if you had an accident or were knocked off your bike, you would be separated from your weapon.

Anyway, good article with good information. Check it out.


  1. Thanks for the link! I enjoy your site!

    1. Thank you for the compliment, but it is really I who should be thanking you. I have found your articles and information to be of immense value, and have appreciated your links here.
