
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Post Typhoon Chaos

Desperation gripped the Philippine islands devastated by Typhoon Haiyan today as survivors were crushed to death when thousands of desperate people stormed a rice warehouse and aid convoys were attacked by gunmen.

Five days after one of the strongest storms ever recorded slammed into cities and towns in the central Philippines, anger and frustration boiled over as and survivors panicked over delays in supplies of food, water and medicine, some digging up underground water pipes and smashing them open.

... Some areas appeared to teeter near anarchy. ANC Television said security forces exchanged fire with armed men amid widespread looting of shops and warehouses for food, water and other supplies in the village of Abucay, part of worst-hit Tacloban in Leyte province.

Aid envoys being escorted by the Philippines army are now engaged in firefights with members of the New People's Army, the militant wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines, reported The Daily Telegraph.

Last night, two rebels were killed outside Matnog, a port at the southern tip of Luzon Island, after they attempted to hijack a Red Cross convoy bound for Samar.

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