
Saturday, May 12, 2012

NOAA Ups Possibility of X-Class Flare to 20% In the Next 24 Hours

Since yesterday, NOAA forecasters have upped the chances of an intensive X-Class solar flare occurring in the coming 24 hours to twice what they expected yesterday. The forecasters estimated the likelihood of an X-Class flare occurring in the next solar day at 20%.

Normally, this wouldn’t be much of a concern, but the AR-1476 sunspot is now facing directly at earth as it finishes its sixth day of it two-week transit across the face of the sun

Yesterday, in the early morning hours, AR-1476 hurled an M5.7 Solar Flare off into the solar system dealing a very glancing blow to the planet. That flare came close to crossing the threshold into X-Class territory, but affected only the northern reaches of earth

If within the next two or three days, the sun decides to mete out another dose of its corona, the earth and its communication, GPS, and electrical systems may not fair as well.
(Full story here).

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