
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"7 Mistakes of Food Storage"

A good article at Backwoods Home on seven common mistakes people make when putting together their food storage. These include:

1.  Lack of variety (and spices);

2.  Not including necessary staples for cooking (e.g., oil, baking powder, etc.);

3.  Failing to store multi-vitamins and other supplements;

4.  Not including "quick and easy" (i.e., ready made) foods and "feel good" foods (e.g., candy and jello);

5.  Not balancing your storage between different foods or types of food (similar to the variety issue, but even more basic--like concentrating on wheat to the exclusion of other foods);

6.  Not storing foods in proper containers;

7.  Not using and/or rotating your storage--"store what you eat, and eat what you store."

These are actually pretty serious issues. I know people in the Church that literally have a ton of wheat and a grinder, but nothing else, and never, ever, use any of it.

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