
Friday, June 10, 2011

First Things First

My intent is to share and, hopefully, receive ideas concerning eschatology, or the study of the end times, together with ideas, links, and experiences concerning disaster preparation and provident living ideas. Although many "preppers" are religious, it is interesting to me how few ever try to tie in or justify their particular preparations to the scriptures concerning the last days. Although I am certainly no theologian, this is my attempt.

Obviously, the first place to start in a study of eschatology is with the holy scripture. Since I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (sometimes referred to as the "LDS" or "Mormon" church), I will make use of scripture unique to the LDS faith in addition to the Holy Bible. Since the LDS Church uses the King James version of the Bible as part of its official canon (i.e., standard works), all Biblical quotes will be from the King James.

During his ministery, the Lord discussed the signs of his second coming, and this discussion was considered so important that it was included in three of the four gospels. I am, of course, referring to Matthew 24 - 25, Mark 13, and Luke 21.

The trigger for this discussion was the Lord's prophecy that the Temple of Herod would be destroyed, such that "[t]here shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down." Matt. 24:2. See also Mark 13:2 and Luke 21:6. Given the importance of the temple to the Jewish religion and national identity, this statement obviously disturbed the disciples. Matthew and Mark both record that the disciples, in private, sought further explanation. Matt. 24:3; Mark 13:3. 

Here, the record somewhat diverges between the gospels. Matthew indicates that three questions were posed: (i) when the temple would be destroyed; (ii) the signs preceding the Lord's Second Coming; and (iii) the signs preceding the end of the world. Matt. 24:3. Mark indicates that the questions put to the Lord were (i) when the temple would be destroyed and (ii) "what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled?" Mark 13:4. This matches with the questions recorded in Luke. See Luke 21:7. Whatever the situation (recognizing that Christ might have given these teachings on more than one occasion), it seems clear that Lord's subsequent discussion concerned signs and warnings concerning both the destruction of the Temple and his Second Coming.

Coming Up: Matthew's account.

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