
Friday, May 10, 2024

Safe and Effective News Update

 As we were told by health officials, politicians, and religious leaders, the Covid vaccines were completely safe and effective (wink, wink). So here are a collection of articles discussing Covid and the vaccines:

[U.K.] Taxpayers will foot the bill of any potential settlement because of an indemnity deal AstraZeneca struck with the [U.K.] Government in the darkest days of Covid to get the jabs produced as quickly as possible while the country was paralysed by lockdowns. 

WE ARE now facing a tsunami of mounting evidence that the mRNA based covid vaccines not only cause cancer progression but also inhibit current treatments in controlling so-called ‘turbo cancers’, sudden and aggressive either first time or relapsed cancers, which are on the rise.

Not only do COVID jabs cause profound physical damage to bodily organs as we have been covering for many months now, but they also damage and destroy the tiny capillaries that exist in the brain as part of the critically important blood-brain barrier.

    Yet according to a fresh analysis by the former BlackRock Wall Street executive Ed Dowd, far from saving millions, the jabs may have cost hundreds of thousands of lives in the US alone.

    In addition, a preprint of a new study among nearly 50,000 employees at an Ohio clinic, posted last month, says that those who received more than one dose of the covid jab were found to be more rather than less likely to contract the illness. 

    A newly-uncovered trove of documents detailing plans to create a Covid-like virus in China months before the pandemic make the 'lab leak almost certain', experts say.

    The records - obtained now by FOIA requests - lay out a plan to 'engineer spike proteins' to infect human cells that would then be 'inserted into SARS-Covid backbones' at the infamous Wuhan virology lab from December 2018.

    Just a year later, in late 2019, the Covid-19 virus emerged with a uniquely adept ability to infect humans, going on to cause a global pandemic. 


  1. There's no way to do this, but it would be interesting to run a double-blind test on this stuff: half the country follows FDA guidelines and proclamations to the letter, the other half follows common sense and the recommendations of their state agencies. After 20 years we count populations and tally the death certificates to see who won. I'd wager the FDA group would not do as well, which begs the question, is the FDA and its allies in the fed dot gov a net positive or a net negative? Would we be better off without it?

    1. But it might be possible with a smaller study size: a few hundred should suffice.

  2. The revelation by a thousand tiny increments - eventually you get to "everyone knew that".

    1. Yup. It will be looked back at as a form of mass hysteria. But knowing how the elites pushed the Covid narrative and practices on the public even as they ignored it in private, I now have to wonder how many past incidents of mass hysteria were actually "top down" rather than "grass roots".
