
Friday, February 23, 2024

The Ugly Side Of Leftism: Refusing To Treat Patients

This story comes from the Daily Mail: "Woman, 25, with life-threatening ectopic pregnancy is refused treatment by Texas hospital - because doctors say it constitutes an abortion." From the lede:

    A Texas woman with a potentially life-threatening ectopic pregnancy was denied emergency treatment due to concerns about the state's stringent abortion ban.

    Texas has imposed a near-total ban on abortions and, despite the law including exemptions for cases of extreme danger to the mother, doctors have been hesitant to provide care in rare circumstances for fear of government-issued penalties.

The article adds:

    The Texas law stipulates that doctors can end a pregnancy if it is ectopic. Doctors said there was a chance the pregnancy could still be viable, though major medical authorties disagree with this. 

    Still, most doctors were afraid to perform a procedure that could land them in prison. 

    The Texas law says that doctors may terminant a pregnancy when it is ectopic 

    But the threat of jail time and six-figure fines for medical professionals has led some hospitals and doctors in the state to deny or delay care.  

    Dr Morgan said it 'baffles' him that doctors declined to help Ms Norris-De La Cruz, saying: 'Any kind of ectopic, anything like that is excluded.' 

Thomas Sowell has noted that Leftism, which adopts an "unconstrained vision" of humanity, is not averse to cracking some eggs in order to advance their agenda to "perfect" governments and people. I suspect the motivation here--where there was a clear exception in the law--was not because of fear of the law but to protest the law. 

    While we are considering the myth of the noble doctor, you might want to check this out: "We’re Not Curing Cancer Here, Guys"--The Free Press. The article begins:

A top cancer surgeon at Columbia University is under scrutiny after one of his research papers was retracted for containing suspect data. Twenty-six other studies by Dr. Sam S. Yoon, who conducted his research at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, have been flagged as suspicious by a British scientific sleuth called Sholto David. David raised the alarm after spotting the same images across different articles that described wholly different experiments. He has also found duplications and manipulated data in papers published by researchers at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston that have since been retracted. 

The rest of the article discusses how we don't actually know how much of cancer research (or other scientific research) is just made up. Shades of the Replication Crises in sociology and psychology.