Monday, November 6, 2023

Nashville Manifesto Leaks: Hatred Of Whites

Well, Stephen Crowder has obtained the scoop on the manifesto left by Audrey Hale, the mass shooter at the Covenant Christian School in Memphis, TN. 

Law enforcement, which will eagerly release such manifestos when it advances some preferred narrative, were cagey about this from the start, with the FBI practically making it a state secret. We knew because of that the manifesto had be be particularly bad ... for the Narrative, that is. And it was. It turns out the little DEI psycho was specifically targeting the children at the school because they were white. But don't worry: the FBI will still maintain until hell freezes over that the greatest threat facing the United States is white supremacists. 

    Of course the major media outlets are already trying to deceive and dissemble about this. For instance, the Newsweek article above printed this (brackets in original):

 Conservative commentator Andy Ngo wrote on X, "BREAKING: I have reviewed the manifesto of the Nashville trans school shooter (scoop first obtained by @scrowder). Audrey 'Aiden' Hale expressed a violent hatred of those 'little crackers" [children] with "white privilege.'"

 Of course, as anyone with an operating brain cell knows, "little crackers" doesn't mean "children". "Cracker" is a racial slur referring to whites; and so "little crackers" means "white children". The ABC News article similarly replaced all but the "c" with asterixis. 

    And, per the ABC article above, the Nashville Mayor's biggest concern is how the manifesto leaked, promising an investigation, rather than how DEI is poisoning the minds of our children and young adults.


  1. Exactly why did it have to wait for a leak, hmmm?

    1. Because we are not supposed to recognize until too late the purpose of DEI programming.


The Conviction of Trump And What It Means

As you all know, former President Trump was found guilty yesterday of 34 criminal charges of falsifying business records. From a procedural ...