Friday, January 15, 2021

What the Left Is Saying

 I find it useful and enlightening to read what the Left is thinking and writing about so I have signed up for news stories from a few Liberal media sights, including Medium. So, a couple articles that popped up in my feed were "Now Is the Perfect Time to Ruin Donald Trump’s Life" by Michael Arceneaux and "We’re All Antifa Now — If You Want to Live in a Democracy, That Is" by Umair Haque. 

    Arceneaux (who is a gay black man if that has any bearing) hates Trump and Trump supporters with a passion and doesn't believe in all this unity crap. He writes, in part:

    I don’t want to wait on history to judge Donald Trump. Nor do I want “unity” with the people who have allowed Trump to skate by his ever-expanding list of crimes in the last four years. It’s been frustrating to watch this asshole escape consequences these last four years (not to mention all his life). I know that white men can get away with anything, but damn.

    I’m not exactly a cheerleader of the carceral state, but after last week I can’t think of any more comforting an image right now than one of Trump in an orange suit — which for him would probably be fleshtone — marching to prison. I’m not confident that will happen, but something must be done all the same.

    He should not be allowed to walk out of the White House freely. He should not be able to go on and make millions of dollars. He should not have the chance to try all of this again in four years. We may very likely be in a proxy civil war for years to come as a result of the hysteria he has stoked, and if we have to suffer, so should he.

    To not do anything is to allow him the chance to be a martyr, which only benefits his ego and the cult keeping it afloat. He needs to leave office in disgrace, and the opportunity to run again, stripped from him. For the rest of his miserable life, he should be made to face the consequences of all his charges: rape; bank fraud; tax fraud; insurance fraud; trying to steal an election; and when all else fails, helping fuel and organize an insurrection.

    Impeachment ought to be only the beginning of his professional and personal ruin — but it’s a good start.

     Umair Haque is a Pakistani who is more interested in explaining what white liberals must do to even have a chance of redeeming themselves--which is to become Antifa, or at least Antifa supporters. From his article:

    We’re all antifa now — if you want to keep a democracy, that is. And writing that, at least, chills me — because even self-imagined good white liberals have bought the hogwash which demonises “antifa” as some kind of left-wing terrorist group. Hello, the terrorists are the guys trying to assassinate leaders when they storm Congress — they’re on the right. And “antifa” is just something that everyone needs to be — or at least most people — if they want to live in a democracy. It is just a set of values, an attitude, a disposition, rejecting fascism as an ideology, politics, approach, movement, relationship — a way of thinking that’s just elementary and fundamental to being a citizen of a functioning modern society. Anti-fa is just something every goofy six year old should be, at least if a democracy is what you want to live in. But most Americans still aren’t there — they quietly shrug and tolerate fascism — and don’t know it yet, which is how America got to a coup on Capitol Hill.

    What you can’t be is “neutral-fa” — neutral towards fascism, tolerant of it, shrugging at it — if you want to live in a democracy. You don’t have to be a card carrying member of your local chapter of antifa — you have to do something arguably harder. If you’re an American, especially a white American, especially one who thinks of themselves as good — you have to actually start to fight fascism, culturally, socially, economically, instead of just shrugging and accepting it, which is what Americans have been doing, because that doesn’t rock the boat.

 The rest of the article is more of the same: blaming white liberals for not being sufficient radical in stamping out any thoughts or ideas approved by the Left.

    And just in case you think I was being overly choosey, the other political articles were: "This Wasn’t Trump’s Reichstag Fire. It Was His Beer Hall Putsch"; "My Unhinged Three Hours Inside the Overthrown U.S. Capitol"; "Let’s Not Forget…The aim of this week’s insurrection at the Capitol wasn’t just to have a big riot"; "Suddenly the GOP Wants Unity?"; "This Week in Trumpland Corruption: Capitol Crimes"; and "Trump Has Made Even My Worst-Case Scenarios Look Tame by Comparison." 


  1. The Leftists now want nothing but blood and power.

    1. That's a good description of the Whore of Babylon in Revelation Chapter 17.


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