Thursday, November 21, 2019

True Pundit: "FBI Interviews Alleged Boy Rape Victim of Bill Clinton; Chilling Details of Sex Assaults & Satanic Rituals on Yacht"

Looks like a storm is brewing. A reader directed me to the article published by True Pundit. From the article:
      Child sex trafficking investigators from the FBI’s New York field office have conducted an interview with a victim who provided chilling details about allegedly being raped by Bill Clinton on a yacht in New England when the victim was a young boy.

      “We are treating him as a victim,” an FBI official told True Pundit in New York City prior the interview with FBI.

     Top FBI officials arranged the interview with the victim, who said he was raped by Bill Clinton when he was just eight years old. The interview was conducted by the FBI’s task force that was established to investigate sexual assault and sex trafficking claims linked to Jeffrey Epstein and his associates. That task force, also attached to the NYPD, remains active even though Epstein reportedly committed suicide in federal custody just weeks ago.
Journalist Jen Moore had originally looked into these allegations in 2018, but, like many that cross the Clinton-clan, died shortly thereafter.

     In other Epstein related news, the New York Post reports that "MCC prison guard willing to dish on Epstein death, cooperate with IG probe." This may be a bunch of nothing. The attorney for the guard, Tova Noel, said that "Ms. Noel remains available to fully and truthfully cooperate with the Inspector General’s investigation, which is also geared toward uncovering the many problems that existed from the commencement of her employment [and] which continue to plague the Metropolitan Correctional Center.”

     Things aren't looking good for the Biden family, either. PJ Media reports that a DNA test has proven that Hunter is the father of a baby born to Lunden Alexis Roberts, who has sued for child support. From the article:
     In 2017, Hunter Biden finalized his divorce from his wife of more than 20 years, Kathleen Biden, after she accused him of spending money on drugs and strip clubs. Later that year, he started dating Hallie Biden, widow to his late elder brother Beau Biden and mother to his niece and nephew. He broke up with Hallie Biden in April 2019.

      This means the child now linked to Hunter by DNA was conceived during his relationship with his late brother's widow.

      Yet the story becomes even more bizarre. In May 2019, Hunter Biden, 49, married Melissa Cohen, 33, in a surprise wedding.
     But that is the smallest of the Bidens' worries. PJ Media has a separate article that indicating that Burisma--the Ukrainian energy company that employed Hunter Biden for no apparent reason other than his name, and which Joe Biden was protecting when he threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine if they didn't fire a certain prosecutor--has been indicted for money laundering, including the accusation that "Hunter Biden and his partners received $16.5 million for their 'services' as part of a money laundering operation that also involved the [former President Viktor] Yanukovych family is suspected, in particular, with legalizing (laundering) of criminally obtained income through Franklin Templeton Investments, an investment fund carrying out purchases of external government loan bonds totaling $7.4 billion." And Reuters reports that Burisma is also being investigated for the theft of state funds.


  1. I'm imagining . . . this leads nowhere. That's the problem - the elite can do anything, but consequences are zero.

    This will not end well.

    1. It probably doesn't lead to prison, but it could lead to a loss of power for some players. The real consequences are among the normals, because this is just another reason to hold the elite and their laws in contempt; and greater contempt makes it easier to ignore or flaunt laws and authority. The great respect for the Constitution among the public is, I believe, due to the respect we have for the Founders. That is why the Left spends so much effort to sully the reputations of those Founders--to make it palitable to hold the Constitution in contempt.


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