
Saturday, January 26, 2019

P for Projection -- My review of "V for Vendetta"

           V for Vendetta, a 2005-2006 film, popped up on my Netflix recommendations last night. Knowing that it has a certain cachet among the Left, I decided to watch it.

          If you haven't seen the film, the basic premise is that a conservative Christian politician, Adam Sutler (played by John Hurt) plotted his rise to power by unleashing a false-flag biological terror attack, a la the Reichstag fire, on London, beginning with the release of a toxic virus at a school for young children. Frightened by the attack,  Sutler's party is overwhelmingly voted into power and he eventually becomes a dictator, calling himself Chancellor. England becomes a totalitarian state in a fashion that is a mix of 1984 and the Nazi regime.

         The titular character, V, is one of the original test subjects used to develop the virus used in the terror attack. Unlike the other subjects that all died, however, V becomes stronger and more intelligent, essentially transforming into something akin to Frankenstein's monster from the Frankenstein novel. He somehow escapes from the cell in which he is being held and destroys the research lab, escaping into the night. From that point on, he plots his revenge, living underground and hiding his deformed appearance with a Guy Fawkes mask, similar to the Phantom of the Opera.

         All of the foregoing is slowly revealed through the movie, which begins some 20 years after V's escape, on a Guy Fawkes day, when our other main protagonist, Evey (played by Natalie Portman), is caught outside after curfew by members of the secret police. V saves Evey from them, and then takes her to a roof top to witness as he blows up the Old Bailey, the central criminal court for England and Wales. V subsequently sends a message over the central television network proclaiming that he will, on the next Guy Fawkes day, destroy the Parliament building.

        The rest of the movie then revolves around Evey's interaction with other characters in order to show what a despotic government under which she lives, as well as her conversion to V's point of view; V's successful efforts to kill off those responsible for his imprisonment; and Eric Finch, an investigator for Scotland Yard that is tasked with tracking down V, but along the way learns of the back story to V and the false flag attack that gave rise to Sutler's rise to power.

        The story culminates with V's final confrontation with Sutler and Sutler's right hand man, thousands of people descending on Parliament whilst dressed as Guy Fawkes, to witness its destruction, and the destruction of the Parliament building, as promised, by a bomb delivered by a subway car along a forgotten subway tunnel running below the Parliament building. The audience is left to presume that the death of the top leaders of the party and destruction of the Parliament building will automatically, somehow, lead to freedom and prosperity.

      The impression I was left with was that the movie was simply two hours of Leftist/Liberal projection onto social conservatives.

      First, we have the Chancellor Sutler, a "Big Brother" type character, who is portrayed as a religious conservative blinded by power and who wants to enforce his beliefs over all of England. Thus, we learn that there are books, music and art that is forbidden, including the Koran. Of course, as we have witnessed, the censorship and thought control doesn't come from conservatives, but from the Left, with a constantly evolving and broadening of what cannot be discussed because it is not Politically Correct, the censorship of content on social media, and the general hostility shown in media toward Christians and white men, and Antifa shutting down conservative speakers through riots and protests. It apparently is completely lost on the Left that the two worst tyrants of the 20th Century, Stalin and Mao, were both communist, and that Hitler was a socialist.

      Next, one of the character's hunted down by V is a lecherous Bishop, and an ally of Sutler, who likes young girls. Yet in real life, we saw the #metoo movement arise because of the behavior of the liberals and leftist of Hollywood and big media, with rumors of pedophile rings among the liberal elite, including the liberals running the BBC. And where we have seen sexual abuse among Catholic priests, it has turned out to be either committed by, or protected by, clergy that were considered liberals and, generally, were homosexual. The reason that liberal elites are so convinced of "toxic masculinity" is because the liberal men with whom they associate with are boors, abusers and deviants.

     The movie makes reference to persecution against Muslims, including one of the secondary characters being executed because he possessed a Koran. Thus, it was ironic, at least to me, that the thousands of V supporters storming the military and police barricade around the Parliament building are seen marching down the length of Westminster Bridge--the very same bridge that, in 2017, was the scene of a Muslim terrorist attack. And one of the main story points was that the false flag bio-terror attack started at a school, with one scene shot outside the memorial for the children that died. Again, this is ironic given that thousands of young girls were raped in various British cities by religiously motivated Muslim gangs, but the police did nothing in order to not appear racist.

     Two of the secondary characters are homosexual, and the movie makes clear that homosexuals are being persecuted by the ruling political party. Yet, again, turning to real life, we see that it is the so-called liberals, including homosexuals on the Left, that are the persecutors, driving Christian bakers and photographers out of business, forcing passage of laws and regulations to outlaw expressing one's belief that homosexuality or gay marriage is morally wrong under the guise of "hate speech", and generally attacking anyone who objects to gay marriage or allowing transvestites into women's restrooms. (See, e.g., here, here, here and here).

      In short, V for Vendetta is film wherein liberals project their worst impulses onto conservatives, as a way of making them feel better about themselves.

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