
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

January 22, 2019 -- A Quick Run Around the Web

"The AR is not Direct Gas Impingement"--Military Arms Channel (24 min.)
The host explains that the AR15 is not a true direct gas impingement system; rather, Stoner figured out a way to move the piston to a position inside the bolt carrier so that the recoil forces would be straight back.

  • A new Woodpile Report is up. Ol' Remus begins by playing the world's smallest violin for the furloughed federal workers: "For nonessential federal employees the shutdown is a vacation with deferred payment, yet we're expected to weep in solidarity because they're being inconvenienced. Welcome to the real world. We Deplorables work without pay for the equivalent of several months of every year to fund DC's parasitic bloat. And we have to show up every day." He then goes on to discuss methods of storing .22 LR ammunition for long term, before turning to his summary of articles and news. Check it out.
  • The Organic Prepper has more sympathy for the plight of the furloughed federal works, and the those that soon may be without SNAP benefits, and, therefore, has some articles on getting by on less--particularly, how to cut your grocery bill:
            The big upgrade to these two Tracker 2 models is what Leupold terms the “Beacon” mode. When selected, the Beacon mode quickly recalibrates the screen for increased detection in hot environments. When activated in one of three Hi-Bright screen colors, Beacon mode detects the warmest object in the active image and rebalances all the Hi-bright colors back down to grayscale.
             Result: The screen is a grayscale color under the Beacon threshold until a “warmer” spot is detected and is then displayed as a Hi-Bright condition. Any exposed areas of that deer or hog crouched down behind brush, for example, should pop right up into the Tracker 2’s screen. The Beacon mode is standard in both the LTO Tracker 2 and the LTO Tracker 2 HD.
        For now, Bartozzi said his organization [the NSSF] is focused on a measure that would expand public gun ranges, funded by an existing tax on firearms and ammunition sales that supports conservation, safety programs and shooting ranges on public lands. The hope is that increasing the number of public ranges will encourage more people to become hunters.

               Exports:  -4.4% versus estimate 2% and November’s 5.4%

              Imports: -7.6% versus estimate 4.5% and November’s 3%

              Trade Balance: $57 billion versus estimate $51 billion and November’s $44 billion

               Exports to the U.S. fell 3.7%, the first nonseasonal decline since October 2016. That would indicate an end to the pre-tariff purchasing rush by U.S. companies in the third quarter and into the fourth. Exports to the U.S. had previously climbed over 12% for three consecutive months.

               “The Chinese trade numbers released today got all the alarm bells ringing,” says Naeem Aslam, chief market strategist for Think Markets in London and a Forbes contributor. “If you need any evidence how the trade spat is impacting a country’s economic health then look no further than China trade. The lower export number means lower jobs, which means another direct impact on the (Chinese) economy. Donald Trump can be pleased. His policies have brought China to its knees.”
                  Production of industrial robots fell by 12.1 per cent in December from a year earlier after a drop of 7.0 per cent in November, according to data published by the National Bureau of Statistics on Monday.
                   Meanwhile, growth in the new-energy car sector, which has been heavily subsidised by the government, slowed to 15.5 per cent in December from 24.6 per cent in November.
                   Production of integrated circuits, the semiconductors that power smartphones, computers and other electronic devices, as well as high-end industrial and military products, also fell by 2.1 per cent in December, although this was an improvement from November’s decline of 7 per cent.
                Also: "The ongoing trade war with the United States was identified as the main cause of the fall in advanced industrial output as high US tariffs cut into demand, causing business and consumer confidence to shrink and so perpetuating a downward spiral in economic activity."
                • Related: "Liberals Are Bigots, But It's Okay Because That Kid Had a MAGA Hat"--Jim Treacher at PJ Media. He explains: "Back in the old days, white supremacy meant burning crosses, threatening and hurting and killing people, saying racist things, etc. Now all you need to do is stand in one spot, literally saying nothing, and that's white supremacy."
                • Related: And some thoughts from Tucker Carlson who sums up the whole incident pretty well: "So what’s actually going on here? Well, it’s not really about race. In fact, most of the stories about race really aren’t about race. And this is no different. This story is about the people in power [the media and celebrities] protecting their power, and justifying their power, by destroying and mocking those weaker than they are [the Catholic students]."
                • Gun control in action: "Murders in Mexico rise by a third in 2018 to new record"--Reuters. The article reports that murders in Mexico rose by 33 percent in 2018, breaking the record for a second year running, with investigators opening 33,341 murder probes in 2018 compared with 25,036 from the prior year.
                • Related: "Organized Attacks Throughout Brazil’s Ceara State Continue"--The Rio Times. "Since the first week of the year, 280 attacks have been registered, including the burning of buses, vehicles, public buildings, and banking establishments, as well as bombs placed in utility facilities across the state." The attacks are believed to have been orchestrated by prison gangs.
                The road map published by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp (CASTC) indicates that between 2020 and 2045, China aims to achieve several significant milestones with regard to space technology to include a reusable carrier rocket by 2035, and a nuclear powered space shuttle by 2040, which would augment larger payloads to include human presence in space. These plans for a nuclear powered space fleet are supported by the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT), which in a report published in the People’s Daily front page stated that this development would enable China to commercially explore and exploit the natural resources available in space by 2040. Wang Chunghui, associate professor of aerospace propulsion at the School of Astronautics at Beihang University, stated, “The nuclear vessels are built to colonise the solar system and beyond.”
                One of the keys to the success of the West is that every time Western civilization has gone into a terminal decline, some new frontier or source of resources has opened up, revitalizing the civilization. I believe that space could be that next frontier, but only if Western nations step up to the plate and actually work to colonize the solar system.

                1 comment:

                1. Yeah, sure there's a mirror anti-matter universe where time is reversed.

                  (shakes head) The Aether is more likely . . .
