
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Video: "More Dumb 'Qualifications' For Firearms Instructors"

"More Dumb 'Qualifications' For Firearms Instructors"--Active Self Protection Extra (8 min.)
No, not having been in a gun fight doesn't mean someone is not qualified to be a firearms instructor, nor does having been in a gun fight qualify one to be an instructor. I am reminded of Mas Ayoob, one of the most influential developers and teachers of modern pistol fighting techniques. What made him great wasn't the notches on his pistol (in fact, I'm not sure he has even been in a gun fight), but that he was able to go around the country to interview police officers that had been in fights and review the records of those instances, draw correct conclusions from those incidents, and combine it with his martial arts training and firearms training (including competition shooting) to develop or improve techniques, and then articulate and communicate those techniques to others.

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