
Monday, August 31, 2015

Another Massive Explosion in China

From the International Business Times:
Another massive explosion rocked China on Monday night. Local reports claim that eyewitness saw and heard a loud explosion at the industrial zone of Lijin, Dongying City of Shandong. 
People's Daily China said on its official Twitter account that the explosion took place at around 11.25pm in the industrial zone of Lijin. There are no reports yet of any causalities or injuries. 
The impact of the blast reportedly was felt in the 2km radius of the industrial zone.
Images shared by eyewitnesses show the blast lighting up the night sky, followed by mushroom-like thick black smokes filling up the air.
Videos of the incident shared on Weibo shows a massive fireball, followed by the huge explosion. 
The accident comes weeks after the deadly Tianjin blast which left nearly 150 dead and 800 injured. The blasts at a chemical warehouse in the Tianjin port city earlier this month is one of deadliest industrial accidents in China.

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